Please keep an eye on the creatures

Form n 4 quarterly up to 15 osib. Buhoblik info. Detection of strengthened children

Many companies and individual entrepreneurs contact statistical authorities. You may create one form per river, but you may have a number of species in common. One of these forms is P-4, which contains information about the number and salary.

Give me something?

If your company is growing to a small extent, it is not necessary to submit a P-4. The same applies to individual contractors.

Other organizations that are strictly fortified are required to issue Form P-4.

Fill out and submit the P-4 form without any costs right away!
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Zavantazhit cost-free form P-4

Frequency and reporting lines

If the average number of enterprises is less than 15 individuals, it is necessary to issue P-4 once per quarter (incrementally), if more - once per month.

The form must be submitted by the 15th of the month following the beginning of the month. For example, P-4 for a cherven slіd build up to 15 limes.

How to store title page P-4

In addition to the name of the organization, you must indicate the same postal address to OKPO. Since the legal address differs from the actual one, there is a sense of resentment.

How to store the tabular part

All indicators are divided into types of activities in accordance with KVED.

The average oblast number of practitioners is the average amount of oblast number per calendar day of the month, divided by the number of calendar days of the month.

The average number of workers per quarter is the average number of workers per month of the quarter, divided by three.

Regional number is all workers listed in the report card, in addition to certain categories (clause 77

Columns 5 and 6 of the table include trained people-year-olds from the beginning of rock. This is the time when all of the actually graduated students enter, as usual. Do not take into account medicines, releases, etc. (clause 82 of the filling boxes of form No. P-4).

The funded salary fund is indicated in columns 7-10 (clause 83 of the filled-in form No. P-4).

In column 11, organizations can display social payments ( paragraph 88 Vkazivok filling form No. P-4).

Form P-4 (NZ)

Form P-4 legal entities with a number of over 15 individuals speak about the situation with personnel and about uneven employment. For whom the quarterly form P-4 (NZ) has been approved.

The deadline for delivery is the 8th day of the month after the end of the quarter.

Form P-4(NZ): form and depository form

Form P-4 (NZ) “Videomosti about the unsteady employment of workers” (approved by Order of Rosstat dated September 24, 2014 No. 580) must be submitted by all organizations (except for small businesses), regardless of the forms of power and type of activity, such as The average number of workers exceeds 15 people. Moreover, individuals who work behind the scenes and on the basis of DPG agreements take on the fate of the federal government.

To check whether your company itself needs to submit an application for Form P-4 (NZ), you can use the special service of Rosstat.

Form P-4 (NZ) for 2016: download free of charge

Form P-4(NZ) can be downloaded free of charge in the ConsultantPlus system.

Form P-4(NZ): instructions for filling thoroughly

When filling out the P-4(NZ) form, you need to pay attention to the following details:

  • If in the organization there is a strengthened subsection, the P-4(NZ) form is filled in separately for the skin reinforced subsection, as well as for the main organization (without regulating both VP);
  • The reports are designated in a separate manner with the organization - without breakdown by type of activity;
  • If a worker has been transferred to work during irregular working hours several times throughout the entire quarter, then regardless of the number of transfers, this worker, for the purpose of completing P-4 (NZ), is insured only once per person. This rule applies to completing the rows of sounds, marked with the sign “”;
  • If a worker has been working for a long time around the block, for example, he has worked every day since the beginning of the employer, then - for the next year as a worker, and then has to pay for unpaid leave, then this worker is in Rakhovuєtsya once. When you choose line P-4 (NZ), in which this worker is insured, you will have to spend more than an hour walking around the block (at work at odd hours with the initiative of the worker, at work at odd hours over the year Thorin or at the outlet for your rakhunok).

The report on the procedure for filling out the P-4 (NZ) form can be read in Vkazivki (Addendum No. 13 to Rosstat Order dated September 24, 2014 No. 580).

P-4(NZ): revising the form

First fill out form P-4(NZ), you can check the correctness of its completion:

Form P-4(NZ): zrazok zvіtu

The P-4(NZ) formation was inspected

P-4(NZ): methods of submitting a call

An organization has the right to apply one of the methods for submitting Form P-4(NZ) to its territorial branch of Rosstat (TOGS):

On paper In electronic view
1. Show special attention to TOGS. You can get help from the organization's official staff or from a representative on the basis of a credentialed power of attorney. 1. Via telecommunication channels (TOGS)
2. Send by mail the recommended sheet with a description of the insert and notification of delivery 2. Through the Web-collection system (reporting without the participation of a special operator). Details of statistical reporting through this system can be found on the website of your TOGS in the “Electronic News” section (for example, the website of the Moscow TOGS)

You can find out the contact details of your TOGS from ours.

Form P-4 (NZ): terms of reporting

Form P-4(NZ) is quarterly and must be submitted no later than the 8th of the month following the quarter. So, for example, for the 4th quarter of 2016, P-4 (NZ) must be submitted no later than 01/09/2017 (8th week (Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated 03/07/2000 No. 18)).

Form P-4(NZ): certificate for failure to submit a call

If you violate the terms of the assignment P-4(NZ) or do not submit this information at all, then you will face a fine (Part 1 of Article 13.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation) in the amount of:

  • for 20,000 rub. up to 70,000 rub. - for the organization itself;
  • for 10,000 rub. up to 20,000 rub. - for її gardening individuals.

Call for P-4(NZ) form 2017

Beginning with the report for the first quarter of 2017, responsible organizations will submit Form P-4(NZ), approved by Rosstat Order dated August 2, 2016 No. 379.

Zvit P-4(NZ) new form: download

You can download the form P-4(NZ), which will be completed during the 2017 world period.

In addition to the filing and accounting information available from the FNP, many enterprises and individual entrepreneurs are required to formulate and submit statistical documents to government agencies. Who must submit one form to fate, others will have to formulate the same fate.

These forms include P-4, which displays information about the number of company personnel and their salary. It is required to be submitted to Rosstat to both commercial and non-profit organizations.

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The completion of the 4-P form (statistics) is requested from the food processors. Before you begin this process, it is important to familiarize yourself with the rules of this process and the legal requirements.

In 2019, a new form for folding the P-4 form will be released. In accordance with the order of Rosstat dated 2019 No. 379 at the secret warehouse with other documents. It is necessary to establish a new form of sound from now until the first quarter, in accordance with the established periodicity.

The most extensive statistical data includes form P-4. She has information about the number of personnel of the enterprise and their salaries. The document was praised by Rosstat order No. 580 dated 2019. You will have the rules for registering a call.

The report for 2019 follows the old form. For 2019, by order of Rosstat No. 379, a new P-4 form was installed. Vіn є Addendum 7 before the punishment.

The document displays the following views:

  • average number of hired workers;
  • number of years spent by staff;
  • size of FOP;
  • the amount of current social payments.

Who's the goiter?

Order No. 580 requires all legal entities to submit Form P-4, regardless of forms of government and types of economic activity. Small organizations became the culprit category.

These reports may lead to bankruptcy of enterprises in which competition is involved. Such entities are required to submit P-4 before the completion of the competitive process and registration of their official liquidation (clause 3 of Order 580).

For the company's information, the company is responsible for the strengthening of children on the skin of them and on the activity without their appearance (clause 2 of Order 580).

We are respectful of the responsibility of the department, which is located geographically at a distance from the head office of the company, from the place where government activities are carried out at stationary work places. By stationary we mean a work place organized for more than a month.

Respect! The strengthening of the unit is recognized as such regardless of the fixation of this fact in the organizational and procedural documentation and its renewal.

In form P-4, it is represented by subdivisions, representatives, branches of foreign enterprises, conducting activities on Russian territory in the order designated by the enterprises (clause 4 of Order 580).

Terms and order

The frequency of submitting a report on form P-4 must be based on the number of employees of the enterprise: up to 15 people or more, including contractors and hired workers.

For organizations where the average number of personnel exceeds the established limit, it is possible to submit a document every month. Companies with fewer than 15 employees may submit Form P-4 quarterly. In both cases, the remaining term is due on the 15th day of the month following the winter period.

Where to apply

Application 4-P must be submitted to the territorial branch of Rosstat for local companies. For strengthening odorants, the stench is sent to the Rosstat authorities at the time of their inspection.

In this case, if the company or its branch does not carry out government activities at the place of business, it is obliged to follow the place of actual work (clause 5 of Order 580).

Form P-4:

Pokrokov's instructions and butt of filling out the 4-P form (statistics) for 2019

The registration of the P-4 report takes place in two stages: first the title page is filled in, then the main table. To ensure correct entry of information, it is recommended to use the correct form and official entries.

The title arch must display the following information required by paragraph 7 of Order 580:

Instructions for completing the document can be found in Order 580.

After completing the title page, you need to fill out the main table. In Form 4-P, a mid-level number of personnel is carried out.

  • practitioners who assign labor functions to external madness;
  • those who work for the company under civil contracts;
  • everything to the staff.

Subject to clause 76.7 of the Order of 580 skin indicators are insured and recorded in connection with the types of activities carried out by the company, which is their responsibility.

You can manually complete the 4-P form (statistics) using the data obtained from the data, which is very important to the tax service about the average number of people.

Importingly Pam'yatati, Social Sociality Prazivnikiv, yaki prazuyut on the minds of calling Sumysnitvva, Rozhovykhovati to the middle middle of the middle -sedentary, prazuyut for speed martyr's columns. The average number of facists who work in the enterprise for civil-legal contracts is determined by the methodology that is used for the development of all personnel.

The growth of the average number of enterprises

The average number of personnel (ANU) of personnel is funded and displayed next to the main staff of the enterprise and the category of workers.

Bring to the main warehouse for unpacking:

  • spіvrobitnikіv, who make gardening clothes on the surfaces of the non-standard mode of practice (the indicator is insured proportionally up to the hour, prepared by the staff);
  • people who missed work due to downtime, for paper sheets, and for repair work;
  • practitioners who use experienced terms;
  • homeworkers;
  • other categories.

The order of folding 4-P transfers the inclusion to the main staff and military personnel who work on the internal affairs. Prote, the exponents of this category have great nuances. The salary is taken into account from the legal obligation for all established rates. However, the number of personnel is assigned solely to the main job.

Information about wages

Columns 7-10 of form P-4 are intended for entering information from the salary of a permanent employee.

Stinks include:

  • received awards;
  • koshti paid for permits;
  • pay in non-penny form;
  • compensation for travel, food, etc.

It displays all the indicators required by law, including payment of income taxes.

Since payments are of a non-penny nature, the evaluation of products and goods must be carried out according to market conditions.

In the tenth column, in addition to payments for civil contracts, payment of compensation is made for the release of non-resident workers.

The eleventh column may show unpaid payments from the Social Insurance Fund.

In Form 4-P, the following amounts are entered before social payments:

  • payment for vouchers;
  • payment of additional assistance upon retirement;
  • making insurance contributions for VHI contracts;
  • payment of holiday assistance to retired military personnel, including periods of staff reduction;
  • otherwise.

When folded P-4 to the main type of government activity, the trace includes the personnel of the administration, accounting service and other similar structural units.

Reservoir form P-4:

Working hour

Number of hours worked by the company's staff for the entire country. One of the world's exhibits is a human-year-old.

The actual amount of money included in the preparation of the year anniversary is:

  • above normal hours;
  • work on weekends and holidays (non-working days);
  • reorganization of departures from the vykonanny of township obligations.

One-year-old is not covered by insurance:

  • downtime;
  • short, initial and additional vacancies;
  • sickness;
  • participation in strikes;
  • Other types of losses prescribed in paragraph 84 of Order 428 issued in 2013.

Information about casual employment and the government

Crimea is called P-4, many companies submit statistical forms using Form P-4 (NZ). There are signs of disruption to staff and unstable employment. The unified format of the document was established by the very order of Rosstat, number 580, dated 2019.

P-4 (NZ) are issued by enterprises that do not comply with the law to small businesses, as well as organizations with an average staff of 15 people, including criminals and individuals who work for civil agreements.

Rosstat needs to publish a lot of statistical data urgently. Thus, subjects of government represent a quarterly form of type P-4, regardless of the category of economic activity and power. This form is required to determine the number of workers and their salaries. The current quarterly form P-4 for filling dated 09/01/2017 in Excel can be downloaded freely as soon as possible. For information purposes, you can download it free of charge. The order of Rosstat can be read in full detail. When completed, it is important not to understand all the data in accordance with the instructions, and then follow the form P-4 of the terms of delivery in 2018, confirmed by the order of Rosstat. It will be easy to earn additional information about this article.

For the beginning of the year, please contact us, who is creating the P-4 form and statistics for the 2019 year. Form P-4 must be submitted by both commercial and non-commercial organizations, regardless of their activity. Documents are submitted before TOGS.

Among those who need to fill out the P-4 form, there are no legal provisions that are respected by small businesses. On the website of the Russian Federation Tax Service you can find out about the register of these entities by region.

Ways to give a call

  • Especially at TOGS. This can also be submitted by an authorized person.
  • Send by mail with a description of all documents. A message about the presentation of the obov'yazkova.
  • In electronic form on the TOGS website in your region.

Instructions for filling out form P-4

At the hour of completion of the P-4 call, please pay attention to the following details:

  1. The organization may be able to strengthen its branches. According to the skin, the statistical form P-4 is supplied okremo, and it is also supplied from the central subsection without filtration. For the reason that birds are located in one municipal district or municipal territory, all of them are respected by part of the central government and are required to contribute up to one note.
  2. If the central office of the employer has failed to pay wages and other payments, then information about the number of workers is included in the P-4 section.

The form is in Excel for form P-4(NZ) є:

  1. Title.
  2. A table that stores information about the organization.
  3. Data collection.

Following the instructions from completion, the name of the legal entity and mailing address are indicated on the title card. Sometimes actual and legal addresses vary, in which case it is necessary to register grievances. Also, this part of the sound is assigned a light period and a code for ZKPO, which is included in the following. The registration documentation has all the necessary information to complete the title page.

The main part of this is a table in which the data on the number of workers, their salaries and wages is entered:

  1. Legal entities, which may have an average number of up to 15 individuals, fill in columns 5-11.
  2. Legal entities that have a staff of 15 individuals will fill in columns 1-10 (month), 1-11 (quarters) or 1-5,6,11 (weeks).

The rows will be filled with the following information:

  • 01 – Number of employees on non-working days based on the employer’s decisions.
  • 02 – The number of holidaymakers who work every day of the year. How many women have women who are on maternity leave, and they don’t work all day long?
  • 03 – The number of labor workers who stood until the hour of the working day.
  • 05 - The number of migrant workers who were denied permits “for their jobs.”
  • 06 – The number of healthcare workers who were insured up to the state level in the well-known quarter.
  • 07 – Workers who have been hired for a new job.
  • 08 - Spiritual workers who have gotten together.
  • 9-12 – The reasons for the emergency are indicated. For the sake of pleasure, for shortcuts, and for the best wishes.
  • 13 - Number of workers until the end of the civil period.
  • 14 - Number of open vacancies.
  • 15 – There may be a lot of space that will be released in the coming period. People nearing retirement and those whose employment contracts are about to expire are not worried.
  • 16-17 – Number of new workers who are on maternity leave. At 16, women with children younger than the poet fit in, at 17 – older. If a woman continues to work a non-working day, she is indicated in column 02 and is not included here.
  • 20 - Fakhіvtsі on shift work.
  • 21-22 – Workers who came to business on the basis of a contract, for example, outsourcing.

External scammers do not have insurance at the table. One and a half, two or more bets, as well as internal swindlers are involved in one work unit. Once the form has been completed, the verification will be carried out by a legal specialist. Please fill in your personal details, contact details and dates. You can see if all the data has been filled in correctly by checking the template.

Serving hour

If the staff number is up to 15 people, then the form P-4 is submitted until the 15th of the month in the middle. Terms of delivery in 2019 for the 2019 expansion:

  1. Today – until 15.02.
  2. For Lutiy – until 15.03.
  3. For pregnancy – until 16.04.
  4. For kviten – until 15.05.
  5. For grass – until 15.06.
  6. For a worm – until 16:07.
  7. For lipen - until 15:08.
  8. Beyond Serpen - until 17:09.
  9. During the spring - until 15:10.
  10. For zhovten – until 15.11.
  11. For leaf fall – until 17.12.

Since the staff consists of 15 people, calls are given quarterly. Then the delivery terms will be different:

  1. 1st quarter – until the 16th quarter.
  2. 2nd quarter – up to 16 lin.
  3. 3rd quarter - until 15 o'clock.

For the chest and fourth quarter, the tribute will be paid until June 15, 2019. For enterprises where the number of workers is less than 15 people, the local department of Rosstat can set the number of employees immediately, or even for a month. The scheme that is being created for the quarter is not changing.

Fines for bad luck

In case of late submission or non-submission of the form, the organization in a special manner may waive the fine:

  • From 20 to 70 thousand rubles can be collected from the organization.
  • From 10 to 20 thousand rubles is collected from the landowners who have not paid their obligations.

In many countries, a legal entity is required to provide the same data that may be avoided. As a rule, Rosstat will not declare the data to be unreliable, which is also punishable by fines.


When completing the form, follow the instructions, you will need to pay attention to the following rows:

  • Row 1 in the first column - the average number of workers is entered before it. The value of this row may be equal to row 802 for the same station, or for another – 1-enterprise.
  • Row 1 in this section is the total amount of wages paid. You can get rid of the number in the row 802, section 2 in the same name as 1-enterprise.
  • Since the head office and department did not pay salaries, this is not stated on the form.
  • Since documents from the head office and subdivisions are submitted to the same department of Rosstat, they cannot be sent all at once.
  • In addition to the last paragraph, it is noted that if the partners are located close to each other or to the head office, then they can be accepted as one and the same.

One of the most important reasons for Rosstat to collect a fine from an organization is the inconsistency of data among different sources. It is therefore important to fill out the P-4 form with statistics and rules and add more reliable information to it. Also, such organizations as Rosstat or the tax service must submit documents strictly in accordance with the established terms in order to avoid fines and sanctions in the form of blocking of accounts. If you have to quickly collect all the information and documents for the sake of publicity before the government, you will need to follow this procedure as quickly as possible, so that you don’t have to waste valuable time dealing with government authorities.

Form P-4 was updated by Rosstat in 2018. The previously valid form, approved by order dated 02.08.2016 No. 379, having wasted authority and does not stagnate with the 2018 date. Document of assignments for monitoring the sphere of labor and wages. Statistical data is collected from the types of legal entities that hire legal professionals. How to fill out form P-4 (statistics), see our statistics.

Form P-4 (statistics) new for 2018: form

In the spring of 2017, Rosstat updated the forms of statistical information so that until they are completed, more regulatory obligations have been covered, starting with the information for the current year 2018. Form P-4 (statistics) for the new year 2018 was approved by order of Rosstat dated 06/01/2012. The P-4 form was left unchanged, but changes were made in the part of the Vkazivok to complete the information (order of Rosstat dated 22.11.2017 N 772 as amended by order dated 02.03.2018 No. 104). The instructions will clearly clarify the procedure for filling out the form and the breakdown of the average number of healthcare workers, and as of mid-2018, it will be clarified who is required to submit form P-4 to Rosstat, including:

  • organizations - holders of licenses for video bottles of brown copalins are responsible for the P-4 situation, regardless of the number of practitioners.
  • I deeply respect that the meanings of life cannot be negative;
  • It has been clarified that payment for travel to the place of release of those working on the Last Night and in equal places before it and members of their families may appear in form P-4 (column 11) only after the residual disbursement with spivrobitnik;
  • it is necessary to include in the average number of medics who are in the care of parents to look after children, who work on irregular working hours or at home from saving the right to withdraw assistance .

A written document consists of several information blocks:

  • on the first page of the report P-4 (statistics) contain data that identifies the employer, the period covered by the report;
  • The other third side of the statistical form P-4 contains a single table - the first part of the table displays information about the activities of the subject of government, the number of personnel;
  • Completing the P-4 form ends with entering information in another part of the table about the hours worked by workers, the size of the salary fund and the amount of social payments.

Filling out form P-4 (statistics): Pokrokov's instructions

This means that the buildings are under the jurisdiction of Rosstat. Form P-4 can be issued on a monthly or quarterly basis - the criterion is the average number of personnel, the limit value of which is 15 persons. If the limit has been changed, go to the monthly monitoring group. For form P-4, the delivery term falls on the 15th day of the month that follows the sound interval.

Statistics P-4 is warmly accepted by its affiliated branches and organizations. Since the company has reinforced parts, the skin of them will need to be prepared, and the head structure of the data will be shown without filial arrangement.

The statistician's salary form can be replaced by written notifications, since the employer does not provide numerical indicators for the necessary parameters during the current period. The statistical report form P-4 may be null; such a form is signed and submitted to Rosstat. For the enterprises that are being liquidated, the P-4 form is required to register the indications until the date of making a record of the assignment of activity to the EDRYUL base.

Indications for filling out the P-4 form are regulated by Rosstat with instructions issued on November 22, 2017. No. 772. The methodical material emphasizes the fact that the document cannot contain negative numerical data.

Form P-4 – instructions for proper filling

  1. Information about the organization is entered in the columns of the title page - period, company name, OKPO code.
  2. Column “A” is assigned to the type of activity, in addition, Statistics (Form P-4 2018) is shown in column “B” of the table of data about the direction of activity in the form of the code for the inspector ZKVED-2 (OK 029-2014).
  3. In column 1, the table displays information from the average number of hired personnel. Incl. In the column under code 2, the average data for the list warehouse is indicated without adjusting external sums. The procedure for filling out the P-4 form (statistics) is shown in column 3. Column 4 contains information about those who received prior work under DPG agreements.
  4. Next, send the data to the hourly personnel assigned to the list warehouse (column 5 of the table), and column 6 provides information about the practice of external pursers. In this case, the growing evidence is that not only the work of the day is included in the main shift, but also the work of every day on the weekend, during the holidays, above the norm, and also in the workforce.
  5. Form P-4 (the fill-in form is provided below) to place the records of the legal individual entrepreneur for the light period (column 7), whose employee is insured as the sum of the basic and additional salary, as well as vacation pay, payments from the non-penny form, one-time for incentives, allowances, compensations etc. In the next three steps (8-10), details are provided regarding the categories of personnel.
  6. Form P-4 (expression) in the remaining column, enter fields for entering information about the selection of personal benefits and social payments to staff (including benefits, including days off, travel, medical care, medical assistance, etc.). Here you don’t have to pay insurance, earn money with the help of the Social Insurance Fund.

Instructions from filling out form P-4 (statistics) to establish rules for calculating the value of the average number of people. Indicators of oblique volume per day in a given month are added up and divided into a number of calendar days for the considered period of time. Statistical report form P-4 does not convey views from the different days that fall on the weekend. This number of personnel is equal to that of front-line workers. Form P-4 (statistics)

  • stays at the service train;
  • ill;
  • does not work through a simple store;
  • occupations with huge factories and work with the vykonanny of the sovereign bonds;
  • accepted at a lower rate and other individuals.

The reporting procedure for calculating the numerical value and other indicators of light follows the instructions for filling out the statistical form P-4, given in Order No. 772.

The average number of bags for the quarter is higher than the result of the subdivision of the total value of the monthly average number of the necessary months by 3.

The rules for filling out the P-4 form are transferred to the obligatory certification of the special authority, which is subject to obligatory obligations for the preparation of statistical data. The order and signature include the decryption of the P.I.B. Of course, below are the contact details of the company.
